When you set up your account, payments are automatically withdrawn much like online bill payments. All families must enroll in the FACTS Program to make their monthly payments. The Holy Family Web site offers a link to our customized sign up page and online enrollment is simple and secure.
Through FACTS, there are several tuition payment options to choose from. Please be aware that there is a fee charged by FACTS for this service.
As a private Catholic school, we are constantly looking for ways to hold expenses down and to concentrate our available human and financial resources on our primary mission of education. Ultimately, our goal and our responsibility are to exercise the best possible stewardship of our resources.
Partnering with FACTS enhances our level of efficiency in the office, reduces the labor intensive nature of an in-house tuition plan, provides more consistent timing of tuition deposits, and allows for integration of payment data in to our School administrative software.
The FACTS system is very user friendly and convenient for our families and is much like the online banking and bill payment services that most of our families are already familiar with and utilize.
For information on enrolling in FACTS, please call Susan Weed, Business Manager, at 215-269-9603 or call the FACTS Payer Hotline at 1-866-441-4637.
Enrolling in a FACTS tuition payment plan allows you to select a payment option that best suits your financial needs.
Enrolling in a FACTS tuition payment plan allows you to select a payment option that best suits your financial needs.
Tentative School Calendar SY 2024-2025 is available under Parents > School Forms. Or you may click here.