3MonCSW Raffle Ticket SaleCSW Raffle Ticket SaleCSW Raffle Ticket SaleDisney Club (Gr.1-2)Disney Club (Gr.1-2)Disney Club (Gr.1-2)Art Club (Gr.6-8)Art Club (Gr.6-8)Art Club (Gr.6-8)
7FriCSW Raffle Ticket SaleCSW Raffle Ticket SaleCSW Raffle Ticket SaleFeb 6 lunch menu and order cou...Feb 6 lunch menu and orde...Feb 6 lunch menu and order count served today (Feb 7)First Friday MassFirst Friday MassFirst Friday Mass
8SatQU Parish Monte Carlo NightQU Parish Monte Carlo Nig...QU Parish Monte Carlo Night
9SunSuper Bowl LIX - Go Eagles!Super Bowl LIX - Go Eagle...Super Bowl LIX - Go Eagles!
10MonProfessional Development DayProfessional Development ...Professional Development DayEarly Dismissal (PK 11:00, K-8...Early Dismissal (PK 11:00...Early Dismissal (PK 11:00, K-8 11:30)
11TueYearbook ClubYearbook ClubYearbook ClubChoirChoirChoirFeb 7 lunch menu and order cou...Feb 7 lunch menu and orde...Feb 7 lunch menu and order count served today (Feb 11)H&S MeetingH&S MeetingH&S Meeting
12WedH&S Skating Form DueH&S Skating Form DueH&S Skating Form Due
13ThuCraftin' Kiddie Club - Spring ...Craftin' Kiddie Club - Sp...Craftin' Kiddie Club - Spring Session
14FriHoly Family's Got Talent Audit...Holy Family's Got Talent ...Holy Family's Got Talent Audition Forms due$1 Student Council Dress Down ...$1 Student Council Dress ...$1 Student Council Dress Down Day (Valentine's/Red/Pink)Super Bowl Pool Student Incent...Super Bowl Pool Student I...Super Bowl Pool Student Incentive Drawing
16SunH&S SkatingH&S SkatingH&S Skating
17MonDisney Club (Gr.1-2)Disney Club (Gr.1-2)Disney Club (Gr.1-2)Art Club (Gr.3-5)Art Club (Gr.3-5)Art Club (Gr.3-5)
18TueHFGT Audition (Singers and ins...HFGT Audition (Singers an...HFGT Audition (Singers and instruments)
20ThuHFGT Audition (dancers and oth...HFGT Audition (dancers an...HFGT Audition (dancers and other acts)
21FriH&S Gift Card BingoH&S Gift Card BingoH&S Gift Card BingoH&S Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser S...H&S Gertrude Hawk Fundrai...H&S Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser StartsH&S Gertrude Hawk Chocolate Sa...H&S Gertrude Hawk Chocola...H&S Gertrude Hawk Chocolate Sale Starts
24MonBoard Game Club (Gr.3-4)Board Game Club (Gr.3-4)Board Game Club (Gr.3-4)H&S St. Patty's 50/50 SaleH&S St. Patty's 50/50 Sal...H&S St. Patty's 50/50 SaleArt Club (Gr.3-5)Art Club (Gr.3-5)Art Club (Gr.3-5)Disney Club (Gr.1-2)Disney Club (Gr.1-2)Disney Club (Gr.1-2)